2017 Technology of the Year Award
The Technology of the Year award is presented to an individual or organization for a breakthrough product or technology in the field of Software Defined or Cognitive Radio as selected by the members. The SVFuA (Streitkraeftegemeinsame, Verbundfaehige Funkgeraete-Ausstattung) Project had the objective of developing a software defined radio (SDR) system for joint and combined operations for the German Federal Armed Forces (Bundeswehr). It was successfully completed in June 2016. Both the radio platform and the waveforms were certified as compliant to the WINNF endorsed standard Software Communications Architecture (SCA) version 2.2.2. The certificates of SCA compliance were issued by the German Federal Armed Forces Technical Center for Information Technology and Electronics (Wehrtechnische Dienststelle fuer Informationstechnologie und Elektronik) (WTD 81). With this, the WTD 81 is the first European test lab to issue a certificate of SCA compliance and SVFuA is the first European SDR to achieve SCA certification. SVFuA is also the first European SCA based SDR system, where porting of third party waveforms was successfully completed. Furthermore, it is the first radio system worldwide where the waveform porting was performed whilst protecting intellectual property rights of both the platform and the waveform suppliers. Rohde & Schwarz as the lead industry partner in the SVFuA project facilitates this approach through its waveform development environment. The German Federal Office for Information Security (Bundesamt fuer Sicherheit in der Informationstechnologie, BSI) stated that the system is certifiable up to the national classification level GEHEIM (Secret). This is an essential precondition for a certification up to the NATO classification level NATO SECRET. Being a three-channel radio system, SVFuA supports Multiple Independent Levels of Security (MILS). Overall, SVFuA supports the WInnForum objective of enabling coalition interoperability.
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