"The Commission has utilized multi-stakeholder groups successfully in other proceedings, such as for the development of the Spectrum Access System (SAS) in the 3.5 GHz band for the Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS), and the implementation of Automated Frequency Coordination (AFC) systems in the 6 GHz band, both of which resulted in rapid deployment in their respective services."
In FCC Report & Order 24-91A in reference to WInnForum CBRS and 6 GHz Standards (see p. 57, note 401)
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Information includes:
- Evolution of Centralized Spectrum Sharing, including TVWS, CBRS and 6 GHz
- Relationships Among Spectrum Sharing Stakeholders
- Band Overview, including when deployed, sharing method and incumbents
- Band Operation diagram
What people are saying about the Forum ...
Regarding 6 GHz Band Development: FCC (Note 46) “We appreciate the work of WInnForum in developing technical standards for the AFC systems. In considering proposed modifications to AFC system operations, we will give great weight to inter-industry consensus reached in organizations such as the WInnForum.”
Regarding CBRS Standards development: Don Stockdale and Julius Knapp, Chiefs of the FCC’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau and Office of Engineering and Technology, respectively, stated: “The Commission’s rules for the Citizen’s Broadband Radio Service at 3.5 GHz anticipated that a multi-stakeholder process would work to establish many of the details for the functioning of the required Spectrum Access System and related matters. We congratulate WInnForum for completing the development of the CBRS baseline standards, a key milestone towards bringing this service towards deployment.”
Regarding 6th Generation Development: "Sharing-Native 6G is essential to meeting the ever-growing spectrum requirements the global market demands," said Colby Harper, 6G Working Group Chair and CEO of Pathfinder Wireless Corp. "The Wireless Innovation Forum’s 6G Work Group is leading Sharing-Native 6G commercialization and collaboration across the international technical and regulatory standards- and market-development ecosystem to translate Sharing-Native 6G to reality for all sectors. The 6G Working Group builds on WInnForum's ecosystem-leading sharing experience and expertise, along with recent successes."
Regarding SCA Standards development: "Once again, the WInnForum is taking a leading role in standardization for Software Defined Radios. By defining the application verification procedures for SCA version 4.1, NordiaSoft and other members of the WInnForum workgroup are making sure application developers can continue develop portable waveform applications that can be tested for SCA conformance by acquisition agencies," said François Lévesque, Director of Engineering at NordiaSoft "The workgroup has accomplished a tremendous amount of work in a short amount of time. This speaks to the quality of the WInnF members and I'm proud to have led this effort to a great success."