The India Regional Committee is set up pursuant to the WINNF Regional Committee (v1.0 dated 6th Feb 2014). The Committee covers the whole of India and its objective is to create significant interest in the activities of WInnF globally as well as activity specific to the Region.
The committee activities follow:
Regional committee may organize local events to support its members, such as, but not limited to, guest lecturers or regional workshops.
Regional committee shall promote the brand of Wireless Innovation Forum in the region.
Regional committee may participate in advocacy on any issue involving the forum’s interest areas that are relevant to the region.
Regional committee may commission technical activity such as, but not limited to, development of candidate standards, forum projects and contests.
Regional Committees may maintain their own website, and engage in marketing to support local events and membership recruitment, etc.
Regional Committees shall submit an annual budget supporting their planned activities to be included in the annual operating plan. Variances against this budget shall require approval of the Board.
Regional Committees shall report to the Board progress in their planned activities as required by the Board.