Board of Directors

Management and oversight of the SDR Forum as a whole, including the SDR Forum’s corporate affairs, is performed by the SDR Forum Board of Directors. These directors are elected on an annual basis, as defined in the SDR Forum Bylaws, which can be found here. The elected slate of Forum Directors for is as follows:

Manuel Uhm Chair of the Board of Directors
Richard Bernhardt President and Chair of the Forum
Naotaka Sato Vice-President and Vice-Chair of the Forum
Staff Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer
Andrew Clegg Chief Technical Officer
Colby Harper Chief Marketing Officer
Prakash Moorut Chief Regulatory Officer
Marc Adrat Member at Large
Virgil Cimpu Member at Large
Mark Gibson Member at Large
David Gurney Member at Large
Olivier Kirsch Member at Large
Amit Mukhopadhyay Member at Large
Masoud Olfat Member at Large
Sarvpreet Singh Member at Large
Max Solondz Member at Large
Pete Young Member at Large
Doug Knisely Large Company Representative
Alberto Quintana Medium Company Representative
Pierre Jean Muller Small Company Representative
Dawn Szelc
Government/Non-Profit Group Representative
 Monisha Ghosh Academic Institution Representative



Manuel Uhm Chair of the Board of Directors   

Manuel Uhm is Director, Versal Product Marketing at AMD, the leader in high performance and adaptive computing. He is responsible for Product Line Management and Marketing for AMD Adaptive & Embedded Computing Group silicon, focusing on the latest generation portfolio of Versal adaptive SoCs. Manuel is also the Chair of the Board of Directors of the Wireless Innovation Forum (formerly the SDR Forum), which is responsible for the SCA (Software Communications Architecture) standard for military radios, and CBRS (Citizen’s Broadband Radio Service) for spectrum sharing between naval radar and commercial broadband services. He has served on the Board since 2003 in various roles including Chair of the Board of Directors, Chair of the Markets Committee, Chair of the User Requirements Committee, and Chief Financial Officer.

Previously, Manuel was SDR Director of Marketing at NI, the leader in Software Defined Radio platforms where Manuel had business responsibility for the Ettus USRP (GNU Radio open source-based), NI USRP (LabVIEW-based), ATCA and mmWave product portfolios. Prior to that, Manuel was Vice President of Marketing at Coherent Logix, where he was responsible for all marketing and sales activities related to their 100-core DSP product portfolio. Before that, Manuel was the Marketing Director of Mobile for MIPS Technologies where he was responsible for leading MIPS’ penetration into the mobile industry, including applications processors, LTE UE baseband processors and mobile connectivity processors. Prior to joining MIPS, Manuel was the Director of Wireless Communications for Xilinx, the leading supplier of programmable logic devices, where he grew the wireless business into Xilinx’s #1 end market. 



 Richard Bernhardt - Forum Chair/President

Richard Bernhardt, currently serves with the Wireless Internet Service Providers Association (WISPA) as their Vice President, Spectrum and Industry. He is Chair and President of the Wireless Innovation Forum, Chairman of the CBRS Committee and Operations Working Group (WG5) and Chair of the 6 GHz Functional Specifications Working Group, and serves on the group's Steering Committee, formerly chairing the organization’s marketing functions as Chief Marketing Officer. Mr. Bernhardt is also the co-chair of the Fixed Wireless Access task group of the OnGo Alliance and the liaison representative for WISPA.   Prior to these roles, he served as the Senior Director of Marketing and Communications for Streakwave Wireless Inc., a global wireless VAD for the wireless industry. He is also Managing Director and CEO of Bernhardt Communications Co., and previously in a variety of senior roles in technology and start-up companies.  Mr. Bernhardt has also served since 2006 on the board of directors and as chair of the executive board of the humanitarian organization, Bangla Hope, an orphanage and school system for destitute and orphaned children in need, located in Bangladesh.  Mr. Bernhardt is married with one son.  He attended California Western School of Law in San Diego, CA and holds a Juris Doctorate degree as well as dual bachelor's degrees in communications and political science from the University of California, Davis.




Naotaka Sato  - Forum Vice-Chair/Vice President

Naotaka Sato has over 25 years of experience in wireless communication research, regulation, standardization and industry activities. He has been engaged in development of CDMA cellular phone and research and development of RF systems for 3G cellular phone system in Sony Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, Sony Electronics, Inc., San Diego California, USA and Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications Japan, Inc., Tokyo, Japan. Since April 2005, he has been working on cognitive radio systems. His research interests include dynamic spectrum access and RF system architecture. He has been contributing to 3GPP RAN1, ETSI TC RRS, IEEE 1900.6, IEEE 802.19, Wi-Fi Alliance, Wireless Innovation Forum and CBRS Alliance, and served Rapporteur in ETSI and Task Group Chair in IEEE. He is the project leader of Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) developments. He received his B.E. and M.E. degree in electrical engineering from Tokyo University of Science, Japan.



Andrew Clegg - Chief Technical Officer

Dr. Andrew Clegg is cofounder and CTO of Valo Analytica, a startup focused on radio spectrum technology and innovation. He is also a part-time Senior Research Scientist in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department at Baylor University. He was previously the Spectrum Engineering Lead for Google, where he was a principal architect of the U.S. Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS). Before that, he was the Program Director for Electromagnetic Spectrum Management at the U.S. National Science Foundation. He pioneered NSF's first-ever grant program dedicated to academic and small business research in the radio spectrum domain.

Andrew has over 30 years of experience in radio spectrum management across industry, federal government, and academia. He has served as a U.S. delegate to two ITU World Radiocommunication Conferences. He also serves as CTO of the Wireless Innovation Forum and is a member of the FCC's Technological Advisory Council. He holds a PhD in Radio Astronomy from Cornell University and a BA in Physics and Astronomy from the University of Virginia.



Colby Harper - Member at Large

Colby Harper is CEO of Pathfinder Wireless. Pathfinder and its partners are active contributors to multiple SDO’s and consortia, with a focus on their intersection with the global wireless R&D ecosystem and spectrum regulatory landscape.

Colby has led strategic wireless innovation, early and late-stage R&D, and operations in multiple sectors since the 2G-era.  

A specialist in adaptive real-time control of complex systems, Colby has served as a founding member of international standards/R&D initiatives and organizations, and contributed to telecommunications and technology policy plans and legislation.


 Prakash Moorut Shure

 Prakash Moorut - Chief Regulatory Officer

Prakash Moorut is the Senior Director of Spectrum and Regulatory Affairs at Shure where he is responsible for leading Shure’s efforts to advocate for audio professionals as it pertains to industry regulations. Before coming to Shure, he spent more than 10 years with Nokia, most recently serving as Head of Spectrum Standardization, where he led the company’s efforts on global spectrum standardization and policy. He brings additional global regulatory experience from his previous role at Motorola for 14 years. He is currently the Chief Regulatory Officer of the WInnForum. He was part of the US delegation for the 2019 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) in Egypt to review the way radio spectrum is regulated around the world in several bands and is a member of the US delegation for various ITU meetings. He has several publications and patents related to spectrum usage and received his Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from "Ecole Supérieure d'Electricité" (SUPELEC) in Paris, France.


 Marc Adrat Fraunhofer

Marc Adrat - Member at Large

Marc Adrat is Head of the Software Defined Radio (SDR) research group at the Fraunhofer Institute for Communication, Information Processing and Ergonomics FKIE, Germany.  His research interests include digital signal processing for mobile tactical radio communications, waveform standardization, waveform application portability and interoperability, SDR software architecture frameworks as well as emerging technologies like in-band full-duplex communications. Since 2005, he acts as an advisor for military SDR programms of the German Bundeswehr. He is also leading research task groups at the science and technology organization of NATO, and he is actively contributing to several SDR-related working groups at EDA and the WInnForum.

Dr. Adrat received his Diplom and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from RWTH Aachen  University, Germany, in 1997 and 2003, respectively. He has published over 100 journal articles and conference papers. Since over 10 years is also a guest lecturer at RWTH Aachen University for the course of "Modern Channel Coding for Wireless Communications".  



Virgil Cimpu - Member at Large

Virgil Cimpu has over 25 years of experience in the telecommunication industry, starting with 3G CDMA basestation, followed by 3.5G UMTS Radio Node Controller, 4G LTE eNodeB and 5G NR gNB.  With an employment history including Nortel, Alcatel-Lucent and Ericsson, Virgil is currently part of the RAN architecture system team at Ericsson where he is focusing on 6G and Dynamic Spectrum Sharing.  As an Ericsson delegate to the WInnForum and OnGo Alliance, Virgil was one of the key contributors to the development of CBRS standards and he has been recognized by the OnGo Alliance with the Distinguished Service Award. Inside Ericsson, Virgil is one of the lead architects working on the development of an extensive line of Ericsson CBRS products, covering 4G and 5G technologies and addressing a wide spectrum of use cases, from indoor Radio Dot to outdoor AAS and from CSP deployments to private networks and neutral host deployments. Virgil’s other interests include Small Cells, Cloud RAN and Non-Terrestrial Networks. Virgil holds 16 granted patents.


Mark Gibson - Member at Large

With almost 35 years of spectrum management experience, Mark Gibson is responsible for developing domestic and international business opportunities for Comsearch.  In addition to leading Comsearch’s technical and business development efforts numerous wireless and spectrum-related products and services, he has led efforts to address spectrum sharing between Federal government and commercial users.  He leads CommScope’s CBRS efforts on the Spectrum Access System/Environmental Sensing Capability.  He is on the board of the Wireless Innovation Forum and is a co-chair of the Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee, where he has also co-chaired working groups related to spectrum sharing and data exchange issues.  He has led Comsearch’s spectrum management efforts including the development of spectrum sharing analysis protocols and sharing criteria, as well as development of Comsearch’s engineering services and software products.  He has led Comsearch’s efforts in working with the American Hospital Association as their technical partner for WMTS frequency coordination.  He has authored several papers on spectrum sharing and relocation and has advised numerous wireless participants in their system design.  He is a Senior Member of IEEE.


David Gurney - Member at Large

Dave Gurney is a Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff in the CTO organization at Motorola Solutions in Schaumburg, IL.  In his 30 year career at Motorola, he has worked on numerous communications systems, including US and Japan Digital Cellular, CDMA, Wimax, LTE, cable, FTTH, RFID and LMR systems.  He has also worked extensively on shared spectrum techniques (CBRS/geo-location databases), digital signal processing, communications system and propagation modeling, as well as FPGA hardware development.  He holds a BSEE degree from the University of Illinois, and an MSEE degree from NTU.  He currently holds 47 patents, and is recognized as a Master Innovator and Science Advisory Board Associate at Motorola Solutions.   



Olivier Kirsch - Member at Large

Olivier Kirsch is currently Project Director of embedded systems activity within the Test engineering laboratory KEREVAL in Rennes. After almost 10 years in tactical radio development both in legacy radio and Software Defined Radio, in particular for the ESSOR Program, he joined KEREVAL to design and develop test solutions focused on interoperability and portability of radio platforms and waveforms. His extensive experience in Tactical radio, combined with the expertise of KEREVAL in the interoperability field for Health applications, has led to the development of an interoperability test bench for SDR Standards.



Amit Mukhopadhyay - Member at Large

Dr. Amit Mukhopadhyay is a Principal Standardization Leader in Nokia. He is responsible for 5G-Adv and 6G spectrum activities with various regulatory bodies, standards organizations, and industry fora. He is a member of the Technological Advisory Council (TAC) of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). He also a member of the Board of Directors in Wireless Innovation Forum.

His expertise includes traffic forecasting, spectrum analysis, network planning and system performance. His research interests are in evolving network architecture and cost-optimal implementation of public and private next generation networks.

He has 30+ years of experience in designing and optimizing various wireless, wireline and HFC cable networks. He has made wide-ranging contributions in all the past generations of wireless technologies starting with 2G, including Small Cells, Self-Organizing Networks, IP Multi-media Subsystem and Internet of Things.

He holds a Bachelor of Technology from Indian Institute of Technology and a Ph. D. from the University of Texas. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE and received the IEEE Region 1 award. He has 20+ publications in refereed journals and holds five patents. He has also served on the college Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET).


Masoud Olfat - Member at Large

Dr. Masoud Olfat is Vice President of Technology and Ecosystem Development at Federated Wireless and has led the technology development for different CBRS components, such as SAS, ESC, CBRS Device, the CBRS Certified Professional Installer development and training plan, CBRS security framework. He has also led the technology development and certification program for 6GHz AFC Development. He is the technology lead for Spectrum Sharing development in different spectrum bands as part of NTIA NSS (National Spectrum Strategy) implementation. He chairs several activities in multi-company standard activities, including the CBRS and AFC Test and Certification program, OnGo Alliance 4G and 5G Network Architecture. He is the lead of coordination activities among SAS Administrators and with Government entities (I-JWG). He has also been involved in the development of the 5th Generation (5G) of mobile wireless technologies in 3GPP. Dr. Olfat completed his PhD and post-doc studies in Wireless Communications at University of Maryland, College Park in 2003, and has been an adjunct professor there and at other universities in the past 20 years. Prior to joining Federated Wireless, he managed numerous key projects essential to the deployment of 4G networks at Sprint Nextel, Clearwire, and Ligado (LightSquared), playing key role in the research and development of 4G technologies in global standardization communities such as WiFi, WiMAX, and LTE, and ITU-R (International Telecommunication Unit), IMT-Advanced, and IMT-2020 requirements. 


Sarvpreet Singh - Member at Large

Sarvpreet Singh is currently working as a Product Manager for the SCA product line at VIAVI Solutions since 2019. In this role, he manages the SDR/SCA development program and works with the industry to facilitate the adoption of the technology. Before joining the NordiaSoft Team at VIAVI Solutions, he worked for 12 years at the Fraunhofer Institute for Communication, Information Processing and Ergonomics (FKIE) in Germany where he held Research Scientist and Project Management roles. At FKIE, he contributed to the success of German Ministry of Defense’s Software Defined Radio Development program and also to a Research Task Group on SDRs at the Science and Technology Organization of NATO. He has participated in the Wireless Innovation Forum for a number of years contributing to several Working Groups and is currently the Chair of the Steering Group for Software Defined Systems. He received his Bachelor of Engineering degree in Computer Science from VTU, India and his Master of Science degree in Media Informatics from RWTH Aachen University, Germany, in 2003 and 2007 respectively. He has also published several scientific research papers and reports in international journals and conference papers.


 Max Solondz Verizon

 Max Solondz - Member at Large

Max Solondz is a subject matter expert within the Advanced Technology Strategy Group at the Verizon CTO Office.  In this role, he is responsible for radio network and product strategies built around new radio technologies and new frequency bands, as well as advocating for radio policies and radio standards with the FCC and other governmental agencies and international organizations.  Previously, Max was a product manager for RF base station products at Alcatel-Lucent, where he has formerly held several positions in technology development, technology planning, systems engineering, radio design, new product initiation and demonstration.  Previously, he held positions at Bell-Labs, ATT, and Lucent Technologies, over a period of 22 years, all in the development of radio systems for base station products.  He holds a Master’s degree from University of Massachusetts with a specialty in microwave engineering.  Over the last eight years, Max has been heavily involved with the CBRS band, working with the FCC since the initial shared-band concept was proposed, and working within the WINN Forum and OnGo (formerly the CBRS Alliance.)



Pete Young - Member at Large

Pete Young is a Distinguished Engineer at Comsearch, an Andrew Company.  With over 30 years of spectrum management and software development lifecycle experience, Pete is responsible for several of Comsearch’s spectrum management products, most notably the 6 GHz AFC System and the 70/80/90 GHz Link Registration System. Within the Wireless Innovation Forum, he is a board member and chairs the 6 GHz Steering Group and the 6 GHz Incumbent Information Task Group. He supported Nextel’s 800 MHz rebanding project, writing software requirements for a Frequency Analysis Program (FAP) which allowed Nextel to efficiently repack their spectrum to mitigate interference with public safety systems.  Pete is a member of IEEE and holds a patent related to spectrum management. He received a B.S. and M.S. degree in electrical engineering from Virginia Tech.  


Douglas Knisely - Large Company Representative

Douglas Knisely is a Principal Engineer at Qualcomm, where he focuses on Spectrum Sharing industry standardization activities, including serving as an active contributor to the WInnForum Spectrum Sharing Committee.  He has an extensive background in cellular industry standards, having led many radio and core network efforts in 3GPP2, 3GPP, Broadband Forum, Small Cell Forum, and other groups.  Prior to joining Qualcomm, Doug was with Airvana, where he led the initial Femtocell standardization activities for 3GPP and 3GPP2 3G and 4G radio technologies and Femtocell device management, and made significant contributions to the seminal industry standards for Femtocells and Small Cells, as well as leading MAC standardization for cdma2000 2G, 3G, and 4G radio standards for many years in Lucent Technologies.  His early career activities included architecture and development management for early multiprocessor blade computing systems and communications and protocol architecture, design, and implementation in AT&T Bell Laboratories.



 Alberto Quintana- Medium Company Representative



Pierre-Jean Muller - Small Company Representative

Pierre-Jean Muller is a telecommunications executive veteran with 25 years of international experience within the wireless industry including Bell Labs, NEC and Huawei. Pierre-Jean is the co-founder and CEO of RED Technologies, a leading start-up of innovative spectrum management, the premier enabler of Licensed Shared Access (LSA) with its LSAlive© cloud-based solution and SAS Administrator applicant for the 3.5 GHz CBRS band in the US. Pierre-Jean is a frequent speaker at international technology conferences and has hosted several elected positions in ETSI and 3GPP. He is the author of 20+ patents in the telecommunication field.



Dawn Szelc - Government/Non-Profit Group Representative

Dawn Szelc (pronounced “Sheltz”) has been with The MITRE Corporation for 25 years and is a Lead Communications Engineer. She is currently part of the Border Security Department of the Center for Securing the Homeland but has worked in various parts of MITRE with many different government customers. MITRE stood up the original organization which has become the Wireless Innovation Forum in 1996 as part of an innovative idea of Wayne Bonser, the PM for AFRL’s SPEAKeasy program, to develop interface standards for US government software radio in collaboration with industry. Dawn chaired several the Working Groups in the first 10 years of its inception. She assisted with establishing the Software Communications Architecture (SCA) as part of the Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) project in support of the JTRS Joint Program Office (JPO). Dawn has provided engineering support to numerous different software radio projects for multiple government customers, and she is currently supporting the DISA Defense Spectrum Organization on the CBRS spectrum sharing program as an RF Subject Matter Expert (SME). She has worked as a Radar/Sensor SME for DHS S&T and DHS CBP for RF, ground, and maritime surveillance, and Army Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate (NVESD) for ground surveillance. Earlier Dawn lead a team working on proof-of-concept demonstrations and risk mitigation efforts for cutting-edge COTS embedded and C3I systems for strategic, theater, and tactical environments.

Before coming to MITRE, Dawn worked 9 years at the Environmental Research Institute of Michigan (ERIM) in Ann Arbor, MI as a research engineer designing and developing proof-of-concept Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) systems and embedded design projects.

Dawn has a BS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Michigan and an MS in Electrical Engineering also from the University of Michigan with concentrations in Communications and Electromagnetics. Dawn was awarded a patent July 2011. She is a 37-year member of IEEE. 

Monisha Ghosh - Academic Representative

Monisha Ghosh is a Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Notre Dame. She is also the Policy Outreach Director for SpectrumX, the first NSF Center for Spectrum Innovation, and the co-chair of the FCC’s Technological Advisory Council (TAC) Working Group on Advanced Spectrum Sharing. Her research interests are in the development of next generation wireless systems: cellular, Wi-Fi and IoT, with an emphasis on spectrum sharing and coexistence. Prior to joining the University of Notre Dame in 2022, she was the Chief Technology Officer at the Federal Communications Commission, a Program Director at the National Science Foundation, Research Professor at the University of Chicago and spent 24 years in industry research at Bell Labs, Philips Research and Interdigital working on a wide variety of wireless systems: HDTV, Wi-Fi, TV White Spaces and cellular. She obtained her B.Tech from IIT Kharagpur in 1986 and Ph.D. from USC in 1991. She is a Fellow of the IEEE. She will serve as the Forum Board’s Academic Representative. 
