Dr. Barry Sullivan Director of Program Development, Marconi Society
Dr. Joe Mitola Creator of Cognitive and Software-Defined Radio
Professor Marc Raboy Prof. Em., McGill University; author of Marconi: The Man Who Networked the World
Professor Dennis Roberson Chairman of the Marconi Society
Moderated by: Dr. Andrew Clegg, Google WInnForum CTO
- Welcome
- Introduction
- Introductory Remarks (pre-recorded)
- Demonstration Video of Marconi's Experiment from the Marconi Museum
- Narrated by Barbara Valotti, Marconi Museum Curator, featuring Giovanni Sandri, Lab Tutor
- Perspectives on the Origins and Commercialization of Marconi’s Inventions (pre-recorded)
- How Wireless Technology has Evolved Since Marconi
- Thoughts on the Future of Wireless Technology
- Dr. Joe Mitola, Chief Technologist for the ENSCO Mission Systems Group
- Conversation and Q&A
About the Speakers:
Giulia Fortunato President, Fondazione Guglielmo Marconi Giulia is is a member of the Consilium of the Management Department at Ca'Foscari University in Venice, has been appointed President of Fondazione Guglielmo Marconi, by decree of the Minister of Culture in January 2024, and has also been appointed President of the National Committee for the Celebrations of the 150th anniversary of Guglielmo Marconi's birth.
She has been also appointed President of the National Committee for the Celebrations of the 150th anniversary of Guglielmo Marconi's birth.
Dr. Joe MitolaCreator of Cognitive and Software-Defined Radio
Dr. Mitola currently serves as Chief Technologist for the ENSCO Mission Systems Group, Cocoa Beach, Florida where he contributes to software-defined and cognitive networks, radios, and systems. Dr. Mitola coined the terms software radio (1989) and cognitive radio (1996); and authored the seminal IEEE papers and the first graduate textbooks on both subjects. His Cognitive Radio Architecture text was translated into Chinese in 2006 where it contributed cognition architectures to 5G. To help protect increasingly software-defined systems, Dr. Mitola co-founded Hackproof Technologies Inc with The Honorable Michael W. Wynne, 21st Secretary of the Air Force.
Marc RaboyProf. Em., McGill University; author of Marconi: The Man Who Networked the World
Marc Raboy is the Beaverbrook Professor Emeritus of Ethics, Media and Communications in the Department of Art History and Communication Studies at McGill University. He is the author or editor of more than twenty books including the acclaimed biography of the inventor of wireless: Marconi: The Man Who Networked the World (Oxford University Press) was a finalist for the Governor General’s Literary Award for Non-Fiction (2016), was short-listed for Physics World Book of the Year (2017), and won the William and Joyce Middleton Electrical Engineering Award offered by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers for best book in history (2018). More details about his career and current work, as well as a full list of awards and a press review of Marconi can be found on his web site at http://www.marcraboy.org/.
Mr. Roberson is the President/CEO of Roberson and Associates, a technology and technology management consulting company.
Previously he was Vice Provost for Research, also serving as a Research Professor in Computer Science and in Law at the Illinois Institute of Technology. He was a co-founder of IIT’s Wireless Network and Communications Research Center and co-founder of the Intellectual Property Management and Markets program. His technical research focuses on dynamic spectrum access networks, spectrum measurement and management, and wireless interference and mitigation.
Before Illinois Tech, he had an extensive corporate career including business/technology responsibilities at IBM, DEC (now part of HP), AT&T, NCR, and Motorola where he served as EVP/CTO. He has been involved with numerous technology, educational, and youth organizations, including service as Chair of the FCC-Technological Advisory Council, membership on the Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee, Chair of SonSet Solutions, Chair of The Caerus Institute, Chair of entigenlogicTM and as a member of the Board of the Marconi Society.
Mr. Roberson has BSEE and BS Physics degrees from Washington State University and an MSEE from Stanford.
Dr. Barry Sullivan Director of Program Development, Marconi Society Barry J. Sullivan is Director of Program Development for The Marconi Society, where he is responsible for grant activity and content development. His career in academia and industry spans more than forty years, including positions at Ameritech, Northwestern University, and Bell Laboratories. He received the B.S.E.E. and M.S. degrees from Marquette University, and the Ph.D. degree from Princeton University, all in electrical engineering.
Dr. Sullivan has served as an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, publications chair of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, and local arrangements chair for the Digital Signal Processing Workshop. He also served as editor of THE BRIDGE, the magazine of Eta Kappa Nu. He has published over forty papers on topics in signal reconstruction and image processing, and holds eight patents on telecommunications technologies.
About the Moderator:
Andrew Clegg is Spectrum Engineering Lead for Google and Chief Technical Officer for the Wireless Innovation Forum.